July Silicon Slopes & Promise2Live Mental Health Town HallJuly Silicon Slopes & Promise2Live Mental Health Town Hall

Thursday, July 11, 2024

July Silicon Slopes & Promise2Live Mental Health Town Hall

Please join us at Silicon Slopes HQ on July 11th from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM for the Silicon Slopes & Promise2Live Mental Health Town Hall - Strengthening Relationships!

event dates



Thursday, July 11, 2024

11:30 AM - 01:30 PM (MDT)


Silicon Slopes HQ

2600 W Executive Pkwy. Suite 140





Summer is here! With vacation time, kids out of school, and family and friends gathering for events, it’s the perfect opportunity to focus on creating the best summer yet for you and your loved ones. Join us for the Silicon Slopes Promise2Live Mental Health Town Hall, where we’ll emphasize Strengthening Relationships with family, friends, and our beloved pets. This event will explore how strong connections play a crucial role in fostering mental health and preventing suicide. Together, we can build resilient communities and support one another in our mental health journeys.

This town hall is an invaluable opportunity to learn from experts, connect with others passionate about mental health, and gain practical tools to enhance your well-being and that of your loved ones. Whether you're a parent, a friend, or a pet owner, this event offers insights to help you build stronger, healthier relationships.

Event Highlights

Speakers and Topics:

  • Chris Provost - President of Provost Park Pass: Learn the "Three P's of Parenting" to foster strong family relationships and create nurturing environments that support children's mental health. Takeaways include effective parenting techniques to strengthen family bonds and practical advice for creating a nurturing home environment.

  • Steve James - Executive Director or ResilientYOU: Discover the Resilience Toolbuilding Kit, offering practical strategies to build emotional strength, cope with stress, and support loved ones. Attendees will gain tools and strategies to enhance personal and community resilience, helping to better navigate life's challenges. 

  • Adam Fisher - HollywoodHillsHomestead.com: Understand the critical role pets play in providing emotional support, reducing stress, and enhancing overall well-being. Learn how to foster strong, supportive bonds with your pets and recognize their importance in maintaining mental health.

  • Brandy Vega - Founder of Promise2Live and Vega Media Studios will share a short message.

  • Dr. Dave Morgan - Director of Mental Health Awareness at Silicon Slopes will represent Silicon Slopes.

Join us on July 11th at Silicon Slopes HQ in Lehi to be part of this important conversation. Together, we can create a community where everyone feels supported and valued, and where mental health is a priority.

Don’t miss this chance to strengthen your relationships and support mental health for everyone. Register now and take the first step towards a more connected and resilient community.

If you'd like to learn more or get involved please reach out to Brandy Vega at 801-637-5416, brandy@gooddeedrevolution.org or visit www.Promise2Live.org